Thursday, February 25, 2016


Especially the daily visits from Tin-Tin and Nee made my days lighter and brighter. 

I suffered a heavy attack on my leg by some very
angry bacteria and after one week at Bang Saphan
Hospital with antibiotic treatment, I signed out and 
traveled 400 km up to Bangkok where the doctors 
at King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital performed 
an emergency operation in order to save my leg.

After that it was changing of bandages every day till the wound was ready for skin-graft.
The skin-graft operation itself was no problem, but I was "living on" Morphine pain killers for the following week. The "mother graft" was just a section of raw meat. I can safely say that I now know what real pain feels like.

So, now I'm back in sunny Bang Saphan, reporting to the local hospital every second day for changing of bandages. 

Hopefully I will be back on the beach, having a dip in the ocean by the end of March.