Friday, July 30, 2010

Adventure holidays in Ayutthaya, Thailand.

As often as I can do I pay a visit to The Royal Elephant Kraal and Village in Ayutthaya. To sit on the riverbank and watch the elephants having a swim is medicine for body and soul. Only one hour away from Bangkok and here you are, -just sitting peacefully enjoying the sight of these magnificent animals.

People from all corners of the world book in at the village for part of their holidays. They live in huts with aircondition, western style toilet and shower. The food is also excellent.

But they do not come for the food. They come to "bond" with their "own" elephant. To feed, wash, clean, scrubb, ride + to feed, wash, clean, scrubb, ride. I have spoken to many of them -and when the time to say goodbye comes -it is always too early. Most of the visitors return as often as they can.

So why not book yourself an adventure holiday in Ayutthaya ?? A holiday you will never forget !!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Baby elephant news

At Ayutthaya Elephant Palace and Royal Kraal you will find four youngsters. The oldest born in October -09 and the youngest on 29 th. March -10. The Kraal has the most successful captive breeding program in the world.. As more elephants are dying than being born every year, it is imperative that their birth rate increases. Since 2000 the Kraal has successfully bred more than 40 elephants. The philosophy is simple, healthy, happy elephant breed. One of the most important and unique aspects of the breeding program is to breed elephants for temperament and structure. Thus the breeding is only with suitable males that ensure the calves will display characteristics that easily interigate with humans. My greatest joy is to visit at "bathing time" in the afternoons. It is difficult to explain the feeling, so you would be best adviced to come along and find out for yourself !!

The details I have used are written by the Ladies in charge, Ewa Narkiewicz and Michelle Reedy. Look in on to find out more about Ayutthaya Elephant Palace and Royal Kraal, how to book for a short stay in the village, looking after your "own" elephant, -how to "adopt" an elephant -or how to support the elephants in any other way.

Thank you for your support !

Monday, July 19, 2010

Mexican Whistler with Pip-pip and Roger Whitaker_Prefix_Movie1_Full.mpg


A few weeks ago a little bird fell out of the nest up under the roof. Not being able to put "her" back, we gave our feathered friend a nice, soft towel to sleep in and started to give her food and water. She took a fancy to me and adopted me fairly quickly. I can go nowhere without her being parked on my shoulder, my fingers -or my shoes when I'm sitting down. Even when we go outside for flying lessons, she stays only a few feet away and come tweeting to me if there is anything that scares her. When I'm away from the house, she sits on the stairs inside the livingroom, waiting for me to return. Tweeting away when I get back to tell me how much she missed me. We have made a couple of recordings together -on You-tube "The Mexican Whistler" where Pip-Pip is performing with Roger Whitaker. One thing; the last of the three cats I brought with me over from Norway died just two days before I was blessed with this new companion. Most certainly made my life easier, not having to live with the emptiness. Now I just wonder what will happen when a go across to Europe in 3 weeks time. There will be people here, but will my little feathered friend miss me when I'm gone -and will she remember me when I get back ?? Amazing how much joy and pleasure siuch a small thing can bring.

Bird news

Some weeks ago a little bird fell out of the nest up under the roof. Not being able to put him/her back we gave our feathered friend a nice, soft towel to sleep in and started to give it food and water. It took a fancy to me and adopted me fairly quickly. I can go nowhere without it being parked on my shoulder or on my hand. Even when we go outside for flying lessons, it is never more than a few metres away. If something scares it, it comes tweeting back to me to tell me about it. When I go out, it sits on the stairs inside the house, waiting for me to return. Tweeting away as to tell me how much it appreciate me being back. We made a couple of fantastic recordings together and I will attach our opera bit this time. One thing; The last of the three cats that I brought over with me from Norway died just 2 days before I was blessed with this new company. Most cerainly made my life easier, not having to live with the emptiness. Now I just wonder what will happen when I leave for a trip to Europe in three weeks time. There will be people here, but will my little feathered friend miss me while I'm gone -and will it remember me when I get back ? Amazing how much joy such a small thing can bring.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Elephant News

It is amazing how talented elephants are when it comes to painting. You can help supporting our lovely animals by purchasing a bag -or a painting. Beautifully decorated by our fourlegged friends. Just go in on to find out about the fantastic work these people do to make sure that the elephants in Thailand do not becom distinct. Payment through "Paypall".

Thank you all for your wholehearted support.
